jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Evaluation of the web site Esol Courses

Name of the site: Esol Courses
Site’s URL: http://www.esolcourses.com/
Sue Lyon-Jones
 update: There’s not a specific date posted.
Purpose of site:
The purpose of this web site is to facilitate tools for English students to learn and practice the second language by listening free lessons or reading exercises, quizzes and games
Skills the site builds
: Listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, cultural knowledge.
The web site is focus in practicing, improving and developing students’ English skills by solving exercises, quizzes, crosswords, word search, playing on-line games (puzzles) and watching videos and then answering to a few questions.
Scope of audience:
Target level:
Beginners to Advanced learners.
Sensory input: Poor:
Type of feedback:
Semi intelligent error feedback.
Content: Half hour

: Once a month. There are lots of activities in the website, and some posts, activities, games and vocabulary according to the holidays (Christmas), that makes us think there is activity at least one a month. There is not a specific date posted.

Appearance: Good but not outstanding. There is a bar for ads in the left side of the main page which I find unnecessary. These ads are next to each activity or game all over the web site. We find them annoying.

Navigation: Somewhat difficult, links are kind of untidy.
Load speed:
Fairly fast. Images, activities, videos and games load fair fast.
Brief description of the site:
This ESL web site is focus in practicing, improving and developing students’ English skills, reading, grammar, vocabulary, cultural knowledge by solving exercises, quizzes, crosswords, word search, playing on-line games (puzzles) and watching videos and then answering to a few questions. The website facilitates tools for English students to learn and practice English by listening free lessons or reading exercises, quizzes and games.

What I didn’t like about this web site: The links are a little bit untidy, there is very useful information in the website but somehow we don’t feel motivated to surf all over the web site because at some point too much useful, but messy information wears us out. Also, the interface is good, but not outstanding

What I like about this web site: English teachers or students can find any activity for practicing listening, grammar, reading, vocabulary and some cultural knowledge. There are a lot of activity, games, and quizzes to solve in the web site.

Evaluation score for
Content usefulness: 6/6
Interface design: 2.5/4
My overall evaluation grade: 8.5/10

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